Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Week whatever... I'm on a roll!

So.. the idea behind Picture Maker is... anyone can take a picture, but I'm trying to MAKE a picture... I'm trying to be artsy fartsy.. lets see how far it takes me.

I'm proud of my kids... my son, he's a bugger. But damn, he's interesting, and a bit mystical. You never know what he's going to come out with next! Not your typical lad... more of a handsome prince. He's cool. He'll go far.

This photo is bitter-sweet... I love it, but it breaks my heart. My handsome prince gets his heart broken everytime Maggie has to go back home. It's my fault, but I can't change time. It is what it is, and we work with what we've got. It won't be long now til she's back home. And I crave for that day. She's one amazing cookie, my Maggie. She impresses me everyday. Not long now...

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